Speaker | Coach | Author

Hi, I'm Carlisha Bradley!

Throughout my journey, I experienced the highs of sitting in board rooms to impact the lives of over 700,000 students in my state, leading diverse teams across the country to award-winning outcomes, inspiring sold-out audiences as an international keynote speaker, and traveling the globe to build social enterprises that have touched over 9,000 young women in over 20 countries. 

On the other hand, I have also experienced extreme lows of microagressions, being doubted, questioned, and at times flat-out ignored as a Black woman in predominantly white spaces. I have sat in far too many rooms as "the only" at the table. These experiences used to shake my confidence, make me shrink into the shadows, and wonder if my voice truly mattered.

Despite adversity, I knew I didn't want to just pull up a chair to the existing tables and power structures. I had a vision to build a new table where the voices of women and marginalized communities are at the forefront.

Leadership Coaching, Training, And Development Accelerated My Career And Expertise.

However, I often found those training experiences sought to fit me into a mold that did not reflect my lived experience and intersectionality as a woman of color. 

What I could not find, I created. 

I yearned to find authentic development experiences that centered my values, leadership style, and unique journey.

The leadership and public speaking development I offer provides growth opportunities within a community that nurtures holistic growth both personally and professionally. My goal is not to fit you into a box. I elevate your unique executive presence and aid in amplifying the impact of your voice.

Together, we are building a new table.

Women Empowering Nations is a non-profit organization that provides exposure, development and mentorship for girls of color in underserved communities to accelerate their path to social impact executive leadership. -- Amplify for Women is a leadership development agency providing comprehensive services, coaching, and guidance for women to thrive in their career and business.

Organizations I Founded

Notable Accolades

Dan Allen Social Justice Award 2022

Tulsan of the Year 2020

Journal Record Woman of the Year 2020

Madam President 2020

Champion of Student Success 2020

Michael F. Price 40 Under 40 2017

Oklahoma Magazine 40 Under 40 2017

Mayor’s Women of the Year Pinnacle Award 2016

YWCA Woman with Moxie 2014

Outstanding University of Oklahoma Alumna 2013

Williams Women of Inspiration 2013

I was an avid Black holiday Barbie collector. My mom made me keep them all in the box, which defeated the purpose of the gift to me. They are still boxed in an attic somewhere.

People don't believe me, but I really am an introvert. I'm an outgoing introvert.

I'm a twin mom who never in a million years would have imaged this would be true.

Get to know me

Elevate your executive presence and amplify your voice